all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 6AA 2 0 53.481301 -2.245922
M2 6AB 3 1 53.481339 -2.24591
M2 6AD 1 0 53.481365 -2.246045
M2 6AF 4 4 53.481392 -2.246211
M2 6AG 5 4 53.481193 -2.246918
M2 6AN 3 3 53.481363 -2.246374
M2 6AQ 23 1 53.481246 -2.24731
M2 6AW 7 6 53.481424 -2.247113
M2 6AY 5 5 53.48112 -2.246584
M2 6AZ 5 5 53.481086 -2.246375
M2 6BA 3 2 53.481086 -2.246225
M2 6BE 1 0 53.481356 -2.24606
M2 6DE 3 1 53.480987 -2.245649
M2 6DG 1 1 53.481112 -2.246993
M2 6DN 13 11 53.480584 -2.245785
M2 6DQ 4 2 53.480923 -2.247067
M2 6DW 2 0 53.480912 -2.246809
M2 6EG 4 1 53.481112 -2.246993
M2 6EQ 2 1 53.480983 -2.247291
M2 6ET 13 13 53.480841 -2.247383